Feel the master of life

The usual working day of our company did not begin normally. Having hardly got out of warm beds, the employees of the Russian Emirates gathered at the pier at 6 in the morning. Oddly enough, despite the early rise, everyone was cheerful and cheerful, apparently anticipating a boat trip. The soft light of the gentle morning sun was required for the upcoming photo shoot on a snow-white 75-foot yacht.

"And how many millions is this beauty worth?" - the first thing that the venerable photographer asked us, stepping on the deck. We did not know the cost of the brand new “toy”, and its owner was still examining sweet morning dreams in a comfortable cabin. However, we could definitely say that you can feel like a millionaire without writing out checks with a lot of zeros. As they say, pay - and fly! More precisely, swim. Oh, again a mistake! As one knowledgeable person explained, people and swans swim in the pond, and sea vessels go. So our yacht, shining with nickel on the handrails, was waiting for the command: “Full speed ahead!”, Kindly agreeing to temporarily enter us into our plans.

In general, each yacht has its own route and plans for the future. She herself decides where to go and when to return to the port for the night. And if a good and cheerful company started up on board (most likely from dampness), then do not expect a hasty return from the ship to your home harbor. If it’s fun and good for passengers, then the yacht is just wonderful. There is another secret - experienced sailors know for sure that a yacht or a boat cannot be fun for a long time, it must live on the waves, absorbing salt spray and exposing the stern and deck to the rays of the bright sun. It turns out that is why it is so easy to agree with a good yacht on several hours of joint pleasure!

By the way, if you have not yet learned to talk with yachts - do not be discouraged, since there are many companies in the United Arab Emirates that are ready to do this for you. To rent yachts of different classes - for sea fishing, and for parties and birthdays in the company of close friends, and for family vacations. The main thing is to decide what you want, and already experienced employees of the companies will help you with everything else - they will develop a route, arrange the necessary formalities, provide the services of a professional crew, discuss all the details of the trip, including food and drinks (if you go to sea for a long time), and also rent the necessary equipment.

And now a light yacht carries you along the waves ...

P.S. You probably thought that we forgot to tell you how the story of the photo shoot ended? And here it is - look at the magazine cover!

Watch the video: Life Mastery Circle: How To Master Every Area Of Your Life (July 2024).