Dubai has become the best city for halal shopping

"Dubai has been recognized as the best city in the world for halal shopping," says a study by Singapore-based Crescentrating.

The list of ten best countries recommended for Muslims in 2012, was compiled on the basis of surveys and reviews of travelers. “The polls showed the following results: in the first place - Dubai, immediately followed by the capital of Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur,” said Fazar Baardin, CEO and founder of Crescentrating. “We have chosen different areas for shopping - from the Dubai Trade Festival, which lasts a whole month, to the crowded markets of Hong Kong. " The company intends to conduct such surveys annually.

Crescentrating took three months to calculate the results for all countries of the world not included in the list of Arab and Muslim regions. “Countries were selected according to five criteria. The first of them is the variety of shopping, the presence of a large number of large shopping centers, markets and bazaars.

The second is the availability of halal food for Muslims in these places. The third is the presence of mosques and prayer rooms in shopping areas. Fourth is a family friendly environment. Finally, the fifth, and most important, food in hotels that do not serve pork or alcohol, "said the director of the company. The Dubai Trade Festival adds even more charm to this city, the expert said.

“The annual festival adds charm to the United Arab Emirates. It offers shopping opportunities both in open markets and night bazaars, as well as in luxury boutiques and shopping centers. Few cities in the world can compete with Dubai for shopping opportunities,” Baardin emphasized. List of the top ten cities: Dubai, Kuala Lumpur, Istanbul, Singapore, Bangkok, Delhi, Johannesburg, Bali, London and Hong Kong.

Watch the video: The Halal Meat Market That Butchers and Grills Your Meat Cooking in America (May 2024).