Happy garter

The most flirty and erotic accessory - a garter, came into fashion in the XIV century, thanks to the incident at the royal ball in Calais in 1348.

Countess Salisbury, while dancing with Edward III, became so carried away that she lost her garter. Everyone laughed. And the king picked up an intimate object of the toilet and pointedly tied it on his leg with the words: "Shame on someone who thinks badly about it!". According to legend, this phrase became the slogan of the Noblest Order of the Garter. Today, garter manipulation has become an integral part of the wedding ritual. Traditionally, two garters are used - "honey" and "happy." The bride puts both garter belts on her right leg in advance. The "honey" garter is worn high, removed during the wedding night and stored in the family.

The “happy” are fastened just above the knee. During a wedding feast, just before cutting the cake, the young spouse, gallantly kneeling, solemnly takes off and throws the garter into the circle of single friends. And the lucky one who caught her, according to signs, will soon lead her beloved down the aisle!

Watch the video: Happy World - Garter Towers (July 2024).