2 million mosquito breeding sites eradicated in Abu Dhabi

Since the beginning of this year, more than 2 million mosquito breeding sites have been eliminated in Abu Dhabi.

Dubai, UAE. Since the beginning of this year, more than 2 million mosquito breeding sites have been eliminated in Abu Dhabi, the Tadweer Waste Management Center said. In addition, department specialists accepted and processed 3853 applications for eradicating flies.

Insect control campaigns take place in the hot summer period - both on farmland and in residential areas. As a rule, mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, therefore it is recommended that farmers cover all tanks with a mosquito net.

Despite the fact that in 2007 the UAE was recognized as a country free from malaria, its cases are still recorded, mainly among tourists traveling to Africa. In addition, mosquitoes carry dangerous diseases such as yellow fever, dengue and West Nile virus.

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