Sons of Donald trump attended the wedding of the daughter of a businessman in Dubai

The sons of US President Donald trump attended the wedding of the daughter of his business partner in Dubai.

The sons of US President Donald Trump - Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump flew to Dubai last Thursday to attend the wedding of the daughter of his business partner Hussein Sajwani, founder and owner of Damac Group.

The wedding was also attended by Sheikh Hamdan bin Muhammad, Crown Prince of Dubai, Sheikh Maktum bin Muhammad, Deputy Ruler of Dubai, and other members of the ruling family and senior officials.

The bride, Amira Sajwani, is also the chief financial officer of Damac.

Eric's wife, Lara Trump, also posted on Instagram her photo from the female half of the wedding on Thursday.

Mr. Sajwani and the President of the United States have a long history of business relations in Dubai. Donald Trump Sr. has repeatedly talked about their partnership. However, in light of the new post and the conflict of interest, the president handed over the management of his company to his sons. In January 2017, Donald Trump Sr. spoke about the refusal of transactions in Dubai for a total amount of $ US 2 billion.

Sons of the president launched the new Trump International Golf Club as part of the Damac Hills project last February.

Another club, Trump International Golf Course, developed by Tiger Woods, is located in another Damac project, Akoya Oxygen.

Watch the video: The ruler of Dubai turns to poetry for solace after his sixth wife elopement to Europe. (July 2024).