Azerbaijan Independence Day

On May 28, 2006, a grand reception was held in Abu Dhabi to celebrate the Independence Day of Azerbaijan.

The gathered guests, among whom were heads of diplomatic missions of different countries, senior officials of the UAE state departments, employees of the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as local and foreign journalists and representatives of the Azerbaijani business community in the Emirates, were cordially greeted by the Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the UAE, Eldar Salimov.

The ambassador congratulated all those present on the holiday, which became a historic event in the life of the Azerbaijani people: "The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR) was proclaimed on May 28, 1918. It was the only democratic republic in the Near and Middle East.

The historical Declaration adopted by the National Assembly of the Republic proclaimed the most important international principles: self-determination of the Azerbaijani people, equal rights of all peoples and nations, regardless of religion, language and race, peaceful coexistence with neighbors.

Unfortunately, the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic lasted only twenty-three months. Only in 1991 did the Azerbaijani people regain independence. Azerbaijan has become a bridge between East and West, Europe and Asia. Today in the country there is a positive tendency to slow down the pace of negative processes in the economy and the social sphere, reorganization and modernization of industries related to the energy sector, as well as large petrochemical complexes are carried out. Azerbaijan seeks to use its very significant transit potential. The so-called "Caucasus transit corridor", which largely passes through the territory of the republic, can turn it into a center of international trade and re-export.

Today we are proud of the successes of our country and congratulate all compatriots on the occasion! "

Watch the video: National Anthem of Azerbaijan - Azərbaycan marşı Azerbaijan Independence Day 2017 (July 2024).