Dubai hotels continue to raise prices

The acute shortage of hotel places in Dubai leads to a serious increase in hotel room prices and, as a result, makes the emirate an increasingly expensive tourist destination. According to the municipality, the emirate has 28,000 hotel rooms and 7,000 hotel-type apartments, which last year served almost 5.5 million tourists from around the world. According to Hasan Aridi, CEO of Alpha Tours, skyrocketing hotel prices have made Dubai a destination for wealthy tourists.

According to him, today the cost of a room in a regular five-star hotel varies between 250 and 350 USD per night - and this is not the limit. Even last summer’s fares shocked many tourists: the bar did not fall below $ 175. According to experts, focusing on wealthy tourists, Dubai is losing the opportunity to attract middle-income visitors who, seeking in the UAE, prefer other emirates. For example, Sharjah has experienced a real tourist boom in recent years. Selim Al-Zur, president of Rotana Group, estimates that half of the 60,000 hotel units needed to service the planned flow of 15 million tourists should be budgetary.

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