From Babylon to Taiwan

Before arriving in the Emirates Vladimir Mikhailovich Troykalo - graduate of Moscow State University, associate professor, academician of the MANEB, candidate of historical sciences - taught history at the Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University for 12 years. Currently, he is an assistant professor at the Department of History of St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics and the director of the branch of this university in Dubai. What is the difference between the local scientific life from the Russian one, we decided to find out precisely from Vladimir Mikhailovich.

Vladimir Mikhailovich, when and how did it occur to you to open a Russian university in the Emirates?

This idea arose in the first days of my stay in this country. But the real conditions for its implementation appeared three or four years ago. My colleagues and I monitored the processes taking place in the Russian-speaking diaspora, conducted marketing research. Two years ago we surveyed the most interesting for us groups of young people interested in getting higher education. So the program "International Academy of the East" was born not spontaneously, but as a result of serious calculations and research.

Why are you called the "International Academy of the East" and not the "Russian University", as you have been dubbed by the people?

“International”, because the teaching process uses the most advanced curricula of different countries. And also because the composition of our students and teachers is multinational.

We understand "East" in the broadest sense - as a millennium-old system of socio-economic and cultural relations. They are based both on the centuries-old history of the Middle East, China, India, Mesopotamia, as well as on the modern industrial and scientific potential of Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and Thailand. We do not forget that Russia is largely an eastern country. The name "Russian University" sounds too narrow and does not reflect our strategic plans for the coming decades.

Therefore, on December 19, on the feast of St. Nicholas the Ugodnik, the International Academy of the East company was registered in the "Knowledge Village" of Dubai, which received the right to represent and organize the work of higher educational institutions of Russia and the CIS countries.

How are the Academy of the East and St. Petersburg Engineering and Economics University related?

On May 17, with the participation of the International Academy of the East, the Injekon branch in Dubai was opened. According to the laws of the “Knowledge Village”, a branch of any university should have a provider who is responsible for the material, technical and legal (visa) part of the educational process. Our academy is just such a provider for a university branch.

What is a Knowledge Village?

The Knowledge Village is located in the prestigious area of ​​Dubai. Legally, it is included in the Free Economic Zone of High Technologies. Currently, branches of 11 leading world universities in Britain, Australia, Belgium, Ireland and other countries are located on its territory. We are sincerely glad at the entrance to the "Village of Knowledge" to see the flag of our native Inzhekon.

Who becomes your students?

These are graduates of Russian schools in Dubai and Sharjah, as well as schools in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus and other countries that were formerly members of the Soviet Union. Our gold fund is part-time students. A year ago, they believed us, and together we went through all the difficult days of our formation. These guys work and live in the Emirates, and study at our university in their free time.

And the teachers?

All of them are professionals of the highest class. Almost every one of them has a degree and title. A prerequisite for their appearance with us is the presence of work experience in a higher educational institution. Lectures, taking tests and exams are carried out directly by teachers from St. Petersburg.

What language is being taught?

In Russian. But classes in English and Arabic will be held daily and this will allow us to teach special disciplines in foreign languages ​​in senior courses.

What forms of training do you offer?

Full-time part-time education, as well as an external studies in the specialty "Economics and Management in Tourism and Hotel Management". Correspondence courses and external studies in the following specialties are also possible: economist-manager, economist, merchant, marketer, manager, lawyer, commerce specialist, computer economist, logistics manager, public relations specialist and mathematician economist.

How much does the training cost and what are the conditions for its payment?

The approach to payment with us is strictly individual, the amount varies depending on the services we provide to the student. The main criterion is that those who study well pay less. Our students receive various bonuses for good study. The total cost of education is not much higher than in Russia, and much lower than in other universities of the Emirates.

What about the traditional attributes of a Russian university - such as a contest, exams, cheat sheets, bribes?

All this (except for bribes) is present in our country in the same amount as in any normal university. For example, the competition at our university in St. Petersburg last year was 8 people per place.

Do your students receive deferment from the army?

If they are citizens of Russia, then yes.

How are students provided with textbooks?

We provide a standard set of books for each student. In the reading room of our library there are any manuals, scientific and fiction. Permanent access to the Internet and textbooks on electronic media is provided to students free of charge. The subscription of our library is also open to all comers.

Is there a connection between your institution and the university that opened in its time between Dubai and Sharjah?

There is a connection, and we never hid it. University organization is a complex and multi-stage process. Two years ago, we opened a representative office of our university in Fujairah. But since this city is far from the Persian Gulf, we tried to organize training in Dubai - in the correspondence department. It was impossible to start this process while sitting in the office. To obtain a license, a room was needed. We found and rented such a building between Dubai and Sharjah. When the opportunity arose to begin work in the Knowledge Village, we immediately made our choice. At the same time, we carefully watched the performances of our compatriots on the sites of the Russian Emirates and the Russian House.

Like any big deal, this idea had supporters and opponents. We accepted and took into account constructive criticism. The result is obvious. We are officially licensed, we have excellent students and teachers, influential people among our compatriots, and not only among them, support (and help in its implementation) our idea. There is an old oriental proverb: "The dog barks, but the caravan goes."

What are your plans for the future?

Starting in September, we will start working full-time and continue to train our external students and external students. Then we must begin accreditation of the Academy in order to issue UAE diplomas to graduates in the future. Then we plan to begin the construction of our educational building (as well as student dormitories) in the Academic campus of Dubai.

We can only wish Vladimir Mikhailovich success in the hope of the prosperity of Russian education in Arab land.

Watch the video: Babylon Falling (July 2024).