Attention! Our new photo contest - "Emirate Roscoltsovka"!

The request, not to be confused with "expansion", is from another fairy tale ...

The Russian Emirates Publishing House invites all photographers, both amateurs and professionals, to take part in the new photo contest, the main "heroes" of which are the famous emirate road roundabouts, or Roundabouts! It is no secret that these small round platforms are in many cases true works of art and a true decoration of the emirate cities and highways. Sculptors, artists, landscape designers put their hands to their design.

You, dear photography enthusiasts, can only find the most interesting and picturesque of them and capture in the most interesting perspectives. The competition was sponsored by the emirate company for the production of luxury Spa-cosmetics Shiffa. All winners will receive great prizes. A popular vote on will determine who will become the real "Lord of the Emirate's Rings."

Watch the video: The 2013 Earth & Sky Photo Contest Winners (July 2024).