Our teacher is our idol! In the footsteps of the school "Almanac" ...

Every year on October 5 in more than 100 countries around the world celebrate the International Professional Holiday of Education Workers - Teacher's Day, which was officially established in 1994. On this day, the role and merits of teachers in percentEssence of quality education, as well as their invaluable contribution to the development of society.

Especially for this important event, the students of the Russian private school in Sharjah released a fresh issue of the Samizdat school Almanac dedicated to their favorite teachers. It was decided to publish small excerpts from the holiday issue of the school magazine in order to thank the teachers who work for the benefit of all Russian-speaking residents of the UAE.

Yakimova Tatyana Ivanovna

"A teacher of the highest pedagogical category with a professional experience of 25 years. She came to the UAE from the beautiful Siberian town of Zelenogorsk, where she worked for many years as the head teacher of a local school. Her first grade at the Russian school in Sharjah already completed primary education last year."

Dina Georgievna Syrga

“A graduate of the Chisinau Pedagogical University, who came from Moldova. A favorite subject of her fourth-grade students is a literature lesson, because it is on it that children get acquainted with works of folk art, as well as with famous world writers.”

Elena Leonidovna Efremova

"From the study room of second-graders, there is a noise: the kids are in the creative process - there is a drawing lesson. In addition to teacher education, Elena Leonidovna is also a speech therapist. Her second specialty helps her a lot to find a common language with her students."

Zuhra Sadykovna Aminova

“In office number 5, the voice of the beloved teacher of the whole school, Zukhra Sadykovna, who worked at the Russian school in Sharjah for more than 10 years, is heard. Before coming here, Zukhra Sadykovna worked as the principal of the school in her country. She has two pedagogical educations: a philologist and biology teacher. "

Natalya Mikhailovna Kosova

"Honored teacher of Russia, a teacher-mathematician of the highest category and head teacher with twenty years of experience. Natalia Mikhailovna is a graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics of the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical Faculty. She was one of the first mathematicians to master the system of preparation for the exam. She was repeatedly recognized as the" Teacher of the Year. " "Master Class" lessons brought together teachers of the huge Krasnoyarsk Territory. "

Valery Evgenievich Kozyrev

"A chemistry teacher, the author of an educational program in computer science, an indispensable host of major school events and the most gallant man at school, a favorite of all students for whom he is not only a teacher, but also a friend."

Oksana Mikhailovna Abeltina

"A graduate of the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University has been working at the Russian private school since 1995. She is an indispensable teacher of physics and mathematics, as well as the director of the school for organizing the internal work of the institution."

The main indicator of the quality work of teachers since ancient times is the strong knowledge of their students. The Russian school in Sharjah firmly proves public opinion - today school graduates are students of prestigious universities in the world and employees of international companies. Thank you for that, dear educators!

The editors thank the director of the Russian private school in Sharjah E.M. Kurlykov for the materials provided. The author’s spelling and punctuation of fragments taken from the school "Almanac" are preserved in the article.

Watch the video: My life as a teacher. gacha life mini movie (July 2024).