Institute "Masdar" from the UAE and the international agency IRENA will cooperate

The memorandum was signed in Abu Dhabi by Dr. Fred Moavenzade, President of the Masdar Institute, and Adnan Amin, Director General of IRENA. The signing ceremony was also attended by Dr. Joseph Seci, Rector of the Masdar Institute, and Gauri Singh, Director of IRENA's Department of Knowledge, Innovation and Technology Management.

The signed document ensures cooperation between the two organizations in terms of exchange of information, joint implementation of projects, implementation of project activities, analysis and scientific research, as well as determination of technical compatibility, methodological coordination and transparency of data and information protocols related to information about the sun and wind.

Among other areas of interaction stipulated in the memorandum, participation in the development of the architecture of the world solar atlas, hosting and maintenance of international servers at the Masdar Institute, building capacity among interested parties in the participating countries, as well as assisting developing countries in creating their technology databases use of renewable energy sources.

Further, in accordance with the agreement, Dr. Hosni Gedira, Director of the UAE Research Center for the Assessment and Mapping of Renewable Energy Sources, will represent the Masdar Institute in this project, and IRENA will be represented by Ali Nimer, and. about. Director of the department of administrative and management services of the agency.

The UAE Research Center for Renewable Energy Evaluation and Mapping at the Masdar Institute aims to develop regional data and leadership in the assessment and mapping of renewable energy sources, both in the UAE and globally.

Currently, the Center is creating sun and wind profiles and functional zoning of territories in the UAE, through a partnership between the Masdar Institute, the UAE Office for Energy and Climate Change, IRENA and assessment and mapping organizations, including those already involved in the project of the world solar atlas.

Watch the video: Institute - Readjusting the Locks LP 2019 (June 2024).